Monday, February 05, 2007

Got Tissue?

Sorry it's been a while since I posted. Mommy says I have this thing called a cold. All I know is that my nose is like a faucet stuck in the 'on' position and that I sound like Darth Vader because I have to breathe through my mouth. It hasn't been much fun, so I haven't give Mommy many great ideas for the blog this week.

I need to thank the Kleenex people for making their tissues feel so soft on my sore little nose.

I need to curse the 'little green sucky thing' people for making something that Mommy sticks up my nose every half hour. Why would anyone invent such a terrible torture device?

One thing that made me feel better was a show I watched last night. And no, it wasn't the Super Bowl. When Mommy told me that Penn State wasn't playing, I lost all interest in that waste of a game.

I'm talking about "Puppy Bowl III" on Animal Planet. I got to watch a bunch of puppies playing around on a football field - what a great show! There were penalties when one puppy was too rough with another, fans 'tail'gating outside the stadium, more penalties when a puppy went potty on the field, shots from the water bowl cam - now that's Must See TV!!

I wish "Puppy Bowl III" was on all the time!!

On another note, please pardon my outfit. Normally I coordinate colors better, but Daddy woke me from my nap and didn't take off my nap pants. My eyes were too watery from the cold to notice!!

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