Thursday, February 08, 2007

These Boots Weren't Made For Walking

Mommy took me to the doctor for my 18 month appointment today. I received some very disappointing news.

I learned that I have gained a little weight and am now 21 pounds, 5 ounces. That's the twentieth percentile. I've been eating like a hog to try to get that number up, but it doesn't seem to be working, yet.

More disappointing, though, was the news I received about my height.

I have consistently been in the 90th percentile for height, but I am now down to the 75th percentile at 32.5 inches. I've always been proud of my height and am horrified that I'm not growing as much as I would like.

I saw Mommy's boots after the appointment and decided that if they can make her appear taller, then they should help my height deficiency, too.

Hmmmmm. These things are a lot harder to walk in than I thought.

What the heck is Mommy thinking wearing these devilish stilts?

Other news from my appointment: My doctor is very pleased with the fact that I seem to eat everything put in front of me. He cracked up when he walked in on Mommy changing my diaper, and I was just laying quietly on the table with my hands behind my head. He assumed I must be a mellow kid. Obviously he hasn't heard my loud 'outside voice' yet. (And in case you're wondering - yes, that is an Emmet tail between my hands)

My doctor also said I'm a very late bloomer in the tooth department. I'm still holding onto my front four, and am in no hurry to get any more. He said that means I have 'young bones.' He thinks I have the bones of a 12 month old!
All in all, he said I am "perfect." Well, duh. My mommy, daddy and grandparents don't have medical degrees and they've been telling me that since I was born!

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