Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

It didn't snow as much as they said it would, but I do have one thing to say:
I LOVE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mommy had to calm me down from the mini temper tantrum I threw when she told me I had to come inside. So what if I had icicles hanging from my nose and snow riding up my sleeves? There are snowmen to be built and snow angels to create!

This is my first actual step in snow. Mommy carried me outside and plopped me down right here. Let's see if I can figure out how to walk in these moon boots.

I made it from the back of the house to the front, so I must have this snow thing figured out. Look - I came all the way from the back!!

OK, maybe I don't have it completely figured out, yet. Hey, Mommy, how about you put down that camera and give me a hand? Now I know why that kid in "A Christmas Story" had such a hard time.

Maybe my snowsuit will offer me some good camouflage. Mommy can't see me and make me go inside if I stay right here.


So that's what I'm wearing down there. I had so many layers on that I couldn't see my own feet!

A Valentine cupcake as my after snow playtime treat?! Wow! What a great day!

It's definitely not warming me up, but it's scrumptious all the same.

UPDATE: Wed, Feb 14
I'm so glad Mommy took me out to play yesterday - it looks like we're prisoners of the house today. After the three inches of snow we got yesterday, we got another few inches of snow overnight and now it is alternating between freezing rain and snow. Add to that some nasty wind, and it looks like I'll have to enjoy the snow from inside today. Even Emmet had to be forced outside to go potty, and he LOVES to be outside!

UPDATE #2 - Wednesday afternoon, Feb 14

The ice bullets finally stopped falling from the sky, and Daddy came home early from work! Mommy took me out to play in the snow, and this time there was a lot more of it.

What is Daddy doing with the loud machine? Why is he getting rid of the snow - is he crazy?

Hurry, Mommy! We have to go save the rest of the snow from Daddy and his snow eater!

Wow. There's a lot of snow to save.

Where do I start?

Walking on water is no big deal. I can walk on snow!

Now how am I supposed to get over this?

I'm so happy I think I'll do a little snow dance!

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