Today Mommy, Daddy and I went to Funk's Farm with Aunt Amy, Uncle Darin and Cousin Drew. I was so excited to have the chance to see the Great Pumpkin - my friend Linus (aka Drew) told me that he comes to a pumpkin patch every year to bring toys to good boys and girls.

Hurry, Daddy! Let's go find the Great Pumpkin!

Do you really think we'll see him, Daddy? This is better than going trick or treating and getting rocks in our bag.

You've been hanging out here for awhile. Have you seen the Great Pumpkin?

Linus said he'd take me to the pumpkin patch on his bus. You're driving too fast, slow down! Let me off of this thing!!!

These guys haven't seen the Great Pumpkin. Where could he be?!?

I hope there's not a height requirement to meet the Great Pumpkin. If he brings gifts to kids over two feet tall, I should be OK.

Linus, your tall burglar cap doesn't count. If the Great Pumpkin doesn't give gifts to kids shorter than two feet tall, you're out of luck!

"Charlie, are you as excited as I am to take this hayride to see the Great Pumpkin? Wasn't this better than going to a silly Halloween party with Lucy? Am I right?!
Hey, where's my blanket? Did you steal it?!"

I don't think this is the Great Pumpkin, Daddy. It's just a round, orange vegetable sitting in the middle of a dirty field.

Wooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. Are you the Great Pumpkin? Did you bring any gifts for me? I've been a very good girl. Seriously - ask my Nana and Gramma!

**If you don't understand this blog, Mommy says you should watch "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" this Friday on ABC at 8. That will explain everything! Mommy says that if I'm a good girl this week, I can stay up past my bedtime to watch it, too!!