Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tired Toddlers Day Spa

Tired Toddlers Day Spa is a haven with innovative and relaxing spa services. It was specifically designed for those tired toddlers who need a break from the rigors of playing, dancing, eating and just being cute on a daily basis. Let yourself be soothed and toned in total luxury. Feel your stress melt away with the following treatments:

Pink Pedicure (pictured above) - $1

Spoil your toes with a 'standing against the tub' pedicure. Many shades of pink polish from which to choose. Your tired, toddling feet will thank you!

Backyard Cold Hose Water Soak - $2

Cold Hose Water is the main ingredient in this indulgent soak. Wash away all your tension as your skin is renewed.

Pug Dog Accompaniment - $1

Share the luxurious soak with two furry friends. The shedded fur offers skin softening and soothing properties.

After-Soak Towel Treatment - 50 cents

Upon completion of the soak, enjoy being wrapped like a burrito in a warm flower towel, complete with friendly bee to welcome you out of the soaking pool.

Signature Spa Wear PJs - $12

Lush, soft pajamas are available to wear during certain spa treatments. Made with only the finest machine washable, stain resistant cotton, you can purchase your PJs and continue the spa feeling at home.
Tootsie Roll Lip Treatment - $1

Nothing peps up those tired toddler lips more than a Tootsie Roll gloss treatment. Allow your lips to enjoy a refreshing renewal after all those kisses that grown-ups constantly beg for!

Grape Refreshment - 25 cents

Famished from all the spa treatments? Take a break and enjoy fresh, luscious grapes and a sippy of pear juice. Our grapes are so intoxicating, you'll want to lick the bowl!

Carpet Massage - $3

No need for a massage table here. The carpet is used to release chronic patterns of muscle tension, common in many toddlers after hours of rough play. This massage will induce an overall sense of relaxation.

Revitalizing Hair Treatment and Up-Do - $3

What better way to end your day at Tired Toddlers Day Spa than to enjoy a cocktail of balancing ingredients that will revitalize your hair and scalp. After all the food, juice, grass, sticky bubbles and foreign objects that become lodged in your hair everyday, this will make your locks feel like new. Finish the treatment with a pigtail up-do and prepare for the compliments!!

It's time to treat yourself to a day of toddler luxury. Put down those bubbles and call today for your appointment!!


Anonymous said...

Can I make a reservation?
Carol C.

day spa Adelaide said...

I am planning a little fun spa for my little girl. this coming weekend. I have got the foot bath out, manicure and pedicures planned. I am thinking of a child safe fun facial, and I think yours if the perfect place.

Unknown said...

kids having fun with that little pool. :)

For adults try visiting some spa's where people would wear salon uniforms and spa uniforms or spa wear and feel like Señorita. :)