...Emmet Otter arrived on the planet to spice things up a bit!!
Emmet was not born to be the most well behaved dog in the world.
Emmet was not born to obey every command.
Emmet was not born to lie around and watch life pass him by.
Emmet was born to have fun, to live every moment like a puppy, and best of all - Emmet Otter was born to be my best play buddy.
Emmet doesn't have quite the crazy history that his big sis, Trix has - he did not witness a robbery, was not dognapped, nor did he not survive a near fatal allergic reaction to a vaccine. Emmet has a much more innocent, naive soul.
He did, however, endure a loooong three week, lamp shaded recovery from eye surgery.
Mommy said that the lamp shade broke his spirit. He was a very sad pup for three weeks. After the lamp shade was removed, though, his eyes were better and we had our crazy, energetic, ADHD pug back!!
Before that hardship, Emmet was only a year old when he had to learn to share Mommy and Daddy with their newest baby - ME!! Emmet was a magnificent friend - even when I was too little to play with him. He was never too far from my bald little head!
I think they might love custard more than I do!
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