The beginning of fall means it's the beginning of fair time in Lancaster County!! For the second year in a row, I went to the Lampeter Fair with Drewbie. Even though I don't think either of us will end up as farmers, we always have a good time at this agricultural fair!!
Mommy and I are slowly reading "Charlotte's Web" (of course). I thought this pig looked like Wilbur!
Wilbur and his buddies were a little loud, though. The sheep were even louder. They need to learn about inside barn voices!
Claire didn't seem bothered by the noise!
Reed wasn't too affected by the noise, either.
Had to get the obligatory photo on one of Daddy's tractors (even though Daddy designs construction equipment now!!)
After walking around, visiting animals and having fun, it was FINALLY time for the big event - pig catching!!
I had confidently told Mommy that I wanted to participate, but once we got close to the ring, the chaos proved to be too much for me. I chose to watch the festivities from the side.
After the pigs were caught, we waited in line for the balloon animal guy. I was so excited!
Claire, Mommy and I were SO excited that Auntie Tara came to the fair with us (thanks for the photos!). Claire loved petting Auntie Tara. Auntie Tara loved that Claire loved petting her :)
We had a great time! Thanks for inviting us Aunt Amy, Uncle Darin, Drew and Reed!
Thanks for coming to the fair with us! Next year, those pigs will be ours...
Thank you for hanging out with me! I had a blast. :)
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