Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter!

How did I get to be so lucky? The Easter Bunny didn't leave me just one basket filled with goodies. He left me FOUR baskets!! I must have been a good girl this year!

Mommy forgot the camera to take pictures at Nana and JoePa's house - hopefully Aunt Amy will send some of her photos soon. At Nana and JoePa's, Drew and I were spoiled greatly by the Easter Bunny. Clothes, bubbles, balloons, jammies, the Charlotte's Web DVD, bath toys...we had fun sharing our new toys with each other AND we had a yummy dinner.

At our house, the Easter Bunny left Peeps (Daddy thinks that he actually left those for Mommy), art stuff, bubbles, clothes, the Little Mermaid and more. Did any of you know that the Easter Bunny was so generous?

The Easter Bunny even thought to send me a package when he was up in Maine!! He sent me a great Webkinz and my new favorite book - a Charlotte's Web sounds book. Somehow he managed to get the package to me even though they were pounded with snow up in Maine for Easter. He is so thoughtful!!

Then the Easter Bunny organized a personal egg hunt, just for me, at Gramma's house. I had SO much fun searching for all the eggs.

Don't forget - I am a professional invEGGstigator. The Easter Bunny couldn't fool me with any of his hiding places!

I think there might be some more at the end of this hallway. There's no time to waste - there are eggs to be found!

I'm glad I have this cute bunny Easter basket to collect all of my prized eggs. They'll be safe here.

Is that it?? Did I find all of them?!?

Thank you SO much to everyone who 'helped' the Easter Bunny be so generous to me. I had a wonderful Easter weekend visiting with everyone.

Happy Easter!


Here's a photo of Drew and me that Mommy stole from Drew's website. Don't we look cute in our stylin' Easter outfits?

Give me an Easter smooch!

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