What an AWESOME weekend!!
I am SO excited to be able to bring you the spring edition of "Charlotte's Shout Outs" live from State College! I haven't been to a game since I was ten weeks old, so this is my first live Penn State Football Shout Out. Oh, and since I didn't actually watch any of the game because I was having so much fun, there are no shout outs that involve football or football players, unlike previous shout out posts.
We packed a lot into one day, so this will be a long shout out. Sit back, relax and enjoy!
1. Nana and Joepa - Thank you SO much for loaning us your Explorer so we could all fit in one car and enjoy the ride together. Mommy and I loved sitting in the 'way back' - can you see the top of my head behind Evan??
It was a very comfortable trip, and we were able to fit all of our stuff. My favorite part of the ride was when I would say, "Aaaaaaaaamy," and Amy turned around to say hi (and stopping at Mickey D's on the way home for sundaes was pretty cool, too!)
3. The thousands of crazy college students who were tailgating - You provided us with great entertainment while we made the long walk to the stadium. A lot of you were walking around like I do after I've done a thousand spins in my living room. Some of you even fell down while you were walking - I do that too!! I didn't know that I'd still be stumbling around when I was a college student, I thought it was just a toddler phase!
5. The Penn State Blue Band - Your wonderful music kept me dancing in the bleachers the whole game. You even inspired me to dance "the worm" during your incredible rendition of Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer."
6. The bleachers - Avery, Evan and I stood for most of the game, but it was nice to have you to sit on and refuel for the next Blue Band song.
7. Doug Allen, local TV weatherman - You promised that it would be a beautiful day for a football game, and you were right! It was a gorgeous spring day - thank you for finally making winter go away!
8. Beaver Stadium - Thank you for being such a cool place to watch a football game. You're big enough to hold 110,000 of my closest friends, and you provided me with a great dance floor today. You're the best! Leave it to Beaver!
9. JoePa statue - Thanks for standing still while Uncle Big Jim took our photo with you. You were so impressive that I couldn't take my eyes off of you, even when Uncle Big Jim was making silly noises trying to get my attention.
10. Pigs next to the Tavern - Thanks for letting us pet you and try to climb you. We really needed to get some energy out after watching Uncle Big Jim shop for HOURS. He was trying to look for the ONE piece of Penn State clothing he doesn't yet own :)
I had a great time with you, too, Evan, but you're a boy and boys have cooties. That's why you didn't get your own "Shout Out."
Needless to say, we were all pooped after such a long day, but on Sunday morning Avery and I woke up energized. Uncle Big Jim popped in his new Blue Band CD, so we grabbed the PSU shopping bags and danced our little blue and white hearts out - enjoy the video!
Stay tuned - soon Mommy will publish a post about what we did on Sunday. Here's a hint - it involved baby goats, buggies and rumspringa.
I also need to give a big birthday shout out to Uncle Rick, whose b-day was on the 19th. I hope you had a great day!!
I would like to make a shout out to Penn State for setting their blue and white aside for the day and sporting orange and maroon in support of VA Tech. I was very impressed!
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