Monday, April 30, 2007
Aunt Jill, Come On Down!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
The Plain Truth
When people hear that I am from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, they always jokingly ask if I'm Amish. I normally deny it, but it is time to come out with my secret. The plain truth is that I am, in fact, Amish.
We are called the Plain People, but our life is far from plain. We are hard workers, and there is a lot to be done on a normal day on our farm. Here is a glimpse into my life as an Amish girl.
The first example of our hard life is our mode of transportation. We take a horse and buggy wherever we go. While much slower than your motorized vehicles, it can be a fun way to travel. Just don't speed by us too fast on the roads - it scares the horses!
Our morning begins by milking the cows. Avery and I get up at the very early hour of 8am to milk Bessie. We work together so we can quickly get the milk back to the house - Fruit Loops aren't as tasty without fresh milk!
In case you're wondering, we buy our Fruit Loops and other groceries where everyone else does - Target! There happens to be one right next to our farm!
After milking Bessie, I make sure the Serta Sheep gets her exercise by taking a ride with her around the farm.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Charlotte's Shout Outs, Blue/White Edition
What an AWESOME weekend!!
I am SO excited to be able to bring you the spring edition of "Charlotte's Shout Outs" live from State College! I haven't been to a game since I was ten weeks old, so this is my first live Penn State Football Shout Out. Oh, and since I didn't actually watch any of the game because I was having so much fun, there are no shout outs that involve football or football players, unlike previous shout out posts.
We packed a lot into one day, so this will be a long shout out. Sit back, relax and enjoy!
1. Nana and Joepa - Thank you SO much for loaning us your Explorer so we could all fit in one car and enjoy the ride together. Mommy and I loved sitting in the 'way back' - can you see the top of my head behind Evan??
It was a very comfortable trip, and we were able to fit all of our stuff. My favorite part of the ride was when I would say, "Aaaaaaaaamy," and Amy turned around to say hi (and stopping at Mickey D's on the way home for sundaes was pretty cool, too!)
3. The thousands of crazy college students who were tailgating - You provided us with great entertainment while we made the long walk to the stadium. A lot of you were walking around like I do after I've done a thousand spins in my living room. Some of you even fell down while you were walking - I do that too!! I didn't know that I'd still be stumbling around when I was a college student, I thought it was just a toddler phase!
5. The Penn State Blue Band - Your wonderful music kept me dancing in the bleachers the whole game. You even inspired me to dance "the worm" during your incredible rendition of Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer."
6. The bleachers - Avery, Evan and I stood for most of the game, but it was nice to have you to sit on and refuel for the next Blue Band song.
7. Doug Allen, local TV weatherman - You promised that it would be a beautiful day for a football game, and you were right! It was a gorgeous spring day - thank you for finally making winter go away!
8. Beaver Stadium - Thank you for being such a cool place to watch a football game. You're big enough to hold 110,000 of my closest friends, and you provided me with a great dance floor today. You're the best! Leave it to Beaver!
9. JoePa statue - Thanks for standing still while Uncle Big Jim took our photo with you. You were so impressive that I couldn't take my eyes off of you, even when Uncle Big Jim was making silly noises trying to get my attention.
10. Pigs next to the Tavern - Thanks for letting us pet you and try to climb you. We really needed to get some energy out after watching Uncle Big Jim shop for HOURS. He was trying to look for the ONE piece of Penn State clothing he doesn't yet own :)
I had a great time with you, too, Evan, but you're a boy and boys have cooties. That's why you didn't get your own "Shout Out."
Needless to say, we were all pooped after such a long day, but on Sunday morning Avery and I woke up energized. Uncle Big Jim popped in his new Blue Band CD, so we grabbed the PSU shopping bags and danced our little blue and white hearts out - enjoy the video!
Stay tuned - soon Mommy will publish a post about what we did on Sunday. Here's a hint - it involved baby goats, buggies and rumspringa.
I also need to give a big birthday shout out to Uncle Rick, whose b-day was on the 19th. I hope you had a great day!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Rest In Peace, Bucky

My heart is very heavy today. We recently learned that our good friends Susie and Adam have lost their beloved golden retriever, Bucky, to cancer last week. He was only seven years old, and it was very sudden.
I was lucky to have met Bucky a few months ago. He was so gentle and loving with me. He let me give him all the hugs and kisses that I wanted! He was very soft - I loved putting my arms around him. He was the sweetest "da dawg" (my word for dog) I have ever met.

I do believe that all dogs go to heaven. Bucky, I hope you are up there running free, ears back, tongue out, tail wagging, free of pain and watching over Susie and Adam. You'll be missed.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Season of the Arm Sock
Mommy discovered my newest line today when she came to get me from my nap (I do my best work in the crib.)
Why should socks only be used on our feet? They can look just as chic on our arms and hands. Anyone call pull off this look - just be sure to color coordinate them with your outfit.
I am officially declaring this the Season of the Arm Sock.
I'm a little upset with Daddy, though. Apparently he wasn't as moved by my creation when he came to look- he immediately put my diaper back together and zipped my jammies all the way to the top (without waking me to tell me he was destroying my masterpiece!) I guess he just doesn't appreciate my artistic vision.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Party In Disguise
Today we hopped on Noah's Ark during the deluge and made our way to New Jersey to help my boyfriend Evan celebrate his first birthday. Isn't he handsome in the new Penn State hat that I picked out for him?
It was a great party - Auntie Amy and Uncle Big Jim served a delicious lunch, and Auntie Amy impressed everyone with her yummy cake and cookies.
The most fun part of the party was dressing up and playing with all of Evan's and Avery's toys. Everyone tried out different disguises and pretended to be someone else for a while. Take a look!
Evan - AKA "Nittany Homey" or "Little E"
Me - AKA "Belle"
Me - AKA "Belle, admiring her magic, light-up shoes"
Evan - AKA "Paul Revere", warning everyone "The Buckeyes are coming, the Buckeyes are coming!!"
Me - AKA "Charlotte Chopin"
Me - AKA "Charlotte Hendrix"
Daddy - AKA "Daddy Clapton"
Me - AKA "Girl who is so tired that she can barely stay awake sharing cake with Jess"
Thank you SO much for inviting me to your party, Evan. I can't wait for you and Avery to go to the Blue White game with me next week!! The sleepover will be so much fun!!
PS - Mommy says she is sorry for the bad quality photos. She forgot to check the camera settings before she starting taking shots - she needs some lessons from Jessi!! :)