Friday, December 08, 2006

It's A Hershey Chocolate World

Recently my good friends Grace and Riley called me up and asked if I wanted to go to Hershey's Chocolate World with them. Did I want to go to a place called 'Chocolate WORLD?!' Does Elmo laugh when he's tickled? Of course I wanted to go!
Before we got to the actual chocolate, we were mesmerized by the beautiful tree at the entrance. Why did they have to put that fence in front of it? I wanted to show the girls how well I hang ornaments. Aren't my girlfriends the cutest?!

OK, enough with the tree. Let's go find the chocolate.

30 million kisses in one day? Whew. Their lips must be sore!

They didn't put any safety belts in this ride. Think I could make the jump from here to that tray of Reese's?

The free chocolate they gave us at the end of the ride gave me some energy. I'll race you over the fence!
If we sit here quietly, smile and look pretty, can we PLEASE have another piece of chocolate?!

Who knew that learning about the production of chocolate would be so tiring? Looks like I need some more chocolate to give me a second wind. Give me a Kiss (not THAT kind - the chocolate kind!)

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