If you're not a morning person, let Charlotte greet you after you wake up. She's better than the best cup of coffee.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Pass Me Some Carbs!
Charlotte had her nine month pediatrician visit today. It was her first visit to the new doctor in PA - apparently PA health care professionals are helpless against her cuteness just as the OH ones were. She was a superstar.
After waiting in the exam room for a while (I don't know how many minutes passed, but it was enough time for Charlotte to completely destroy the paper laid out on the bed,) the nurse weighed and measured her. It seems our once enormous, "your baby weighed HOW much at birth?!" child has slowed down considerably in the weight department. Charlotte weighs 18 pounds, 10 ounces - the 45th percentile. A few months ago, she was in the 95th!! And apparently we have bred a future Lady Lion basketball player - she is in the 90th percentile for height. If you ask Daddy, though, her height will serve her well as a professional tennis player, not a basketball player. Watch out Venus and Serena!
Charlotte enjoyed her visit, except for part with the mean nurse who gave her two shots. After screaming and crying so loudly about the shots that her pediatrician in Ohio could probably hear her, Charlotte somehow managed to wave goodbye to the nurse who had assaulted her. Seems she doesn't hold grudges for too long.
And no, still no teeth. The doctor couldn't feel even a blip of a tooth in her gums.

Looks like I'll be spending more time in a high chair so I can bulk up! Pass me some carbs, Mom!
After waiting in the exam room for a while (I don't know how many minutes passed, but it was enough time for Charlotte to completely destroy the paper laid out on the bed,) the nurse weighed and measured her. It seems our once enormous, "your baby weighed HOW much at birth?!" child has slowed down considerably in the weight department. Charlotte weighs 18 pounds, 10 ounces - the 45th percentile. A few months ago, she was in the 95th!! And apparently we have bred a future Lady Lion basketball player - she is in the 90th percentile for height. If you ask Daddy, though, her height will serve her well as a professional tennis player, not a basketball player. Watch out Venus and Serena!
Charlotte enjoyed her visit, except for part with the mean nurse who gave her two shots. After screaming and crying so loudly about the shots that her pediatrician in Ohio could probably hear her, Charlotte somehow managed to wave goodbye to the nurse who had assaulted her. Seems she doesn't hold grudges for too long.
And no, still no teeth. The doctor couldn't feel even a blip of a tooth in her gums.

Looks like I'll be spending more time in a high chair so I can bulk up! Pass me some carbs, Mom!
Monday, April 24, 2006
Houston, We Have a Crawler
After weeks of rolling, crawling backward and scooting, Charlotte finally found first gear. She isn't the greatest crawler yet, but it will only be a matter of time until she is following Trixie and Emmet at pug speed.
This has been a busy two weeks for Charlotte. Not only did she turn nine months old, but she can now crawl forward, pull herself into a stand using the couch, and can sit up from a laying down position. No wonder she's sleeping over twelve hours a night now!
Wow. I can actually get to where I want to go without getting pug fur all over my back and belly. Who knew?!

Hey Trixie. Hey Emmet. So this is what you guys do all day up here.

That 10 Minute Abs DVD is really working!
I was laying on the floor only ten seconds
ago and now look at me - putting together
a puzzle!
This has been a busy two weeks for Charlotte. Not only did she turn nine months old, but she can now crawl forward, pull herself into a stand using the couch, and can sit up from a laying down position. No wonder she's sleeping over twelve hours a night now!
Wow. I can actually get to where I want to go without getting pug fur all over my back and belly. Who knew?!

Hey Trixie. Hey Emmet. So this is what you guys do all day up here.

That 10 Minute Abs DVD is really working!
I was laying on the floor only ten seconds
ago and now look at me - putting together
a puzzle!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Row, Row, Row Your Boat

It was back to the pool today to celebrate Charlotte's nine month birthday. This time, Charlotte test drove Cousin Drew's new boat. It only took about ten seconds to receive the Charlotte Seal of Approval. Her little legs were kicking furiously under the water trying to manuever around the pool. She was smiling, batting her eyelashes and waving to everyone from her new ride.

Hmmm. I really want to go see those kids over there. Where's Daddy when I need him? I can't figure out the steering on this thing!

This boat tastes as good as it looks!

Maybe if I stick my tongue out and really concentrate, the boat will go where I want it to go.

Hang on!! Iceberg ahead!

Being captain of the SS Charlotte sure is tiring. I'll just relax now and look cute in the bathing suit the Easter Bunny brought me all the way from Maine.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny...

...Hearted Red and Pink Bikini
Charlotte wore for the first time today!
Charlotte and Cousin Drew went to the pool for their first swim this afternoon. Since they both enjoy getting baths, we were quite certain that they would love the pool. Drew was a litte uncertain at first, but eventually 'warmed up' to the cold water. Charlotte, on the other hand, was like a little mermaid the second she got in. I had to hold her tightly to keep her from dunking herself. She was mesmerized by the two eight year old boys playing on the other end - she's already trying to pick up boys at the pool (Daddy will be just delighted to hear that!) She was kicking as hard as she could to try to make her way over to them, but mean Mommy wouldn't let her leave the shallow end.
After about ten minutes of swimming, scared-y cat Mommy finally dunked Charlotte under the water. After emerging and taking a moment to figure out what had happened, Charlotte immediately broke into a big smile. A nice woman who was sitting in a chair by the pool smiled back, so Charlotte raised her hand and began waving to her audience. Looks like we have a performer in the family.
Drew and Charlotte got along swimmingly and had a great time. We'll be visiting the hotel pool a lot now that we know Charlotte is a fish. At least there is one good thing about being in corporate housing!!

Thank you, thank you. I expect perfect 10's for
that wonderful dunk.

Don't I look like a hunk in my new trunks?
Watch out ladies!

Do you think those boys will notice me while I dry off? Why did Mommy have to take me out of the pool? Next time I won't shiver so we can stay in longer. Are they looking at me yet?!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
This Little Charlotte Went to Market...
Charlotte spent a beautiful sunny day in downtown Lancaster with Auntie Tara and Mommy this morning. The first stop was Central Market where Charlotte got to see and smell all the wonderful food and products the vendors were offering. She had a great time, especially when Auntie Tara bought her a stuffed cow (or a giraffe if you ask Tara.) Then it was off to Steinman Park, where Charlotte enjoyed watching all the people walk by and bask in the warm weather. Charlotte can't wait until Auntie Tara comes back so they can go to Market again!
It's my first visit to downtown Lancaster. I wore my pretty hat for the special event!
It's my first visit to downtown Lancaster. I wore my pretty hat for the special event!
Auntie T seems excited that I wore my Bar Harbor shirt in her honor.
Aaaaah...Auntie Tara is putting me in a trance with her magnificent leg massage. Good thing I'm wearing capris so she can perform her magic.
Hey, Buddy. Mind if I read your newspaper?
Cow and I are worn out! When can we do it again?!
Monday, April 10, 2006
Shout Out to Down East

A message from Charlotte:
Hi Auntie Tara!! I'm excited to go to Central Market with you on Saturday. Make sure Mommy buys me something. And have fun with Mommy and Daddy on Friday night when you go out for an 'adult' dinner without the cutest baby in the universe. Don't worry about me - I'll be fine with Nana. I don't feel left out at all. I'm sure I'll have some delicious formula or some fine pureed squash for dinner while you are all enjoying roast duck with the mango salsa. Again, don't worry about me...
On a totally different note, we are beginning to wonder if Charlotte thinks she is a pug. You be the judge.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Friday, April 07, 2006
Welcome to the world, Evan!!
Our great friends Amy and Jim welcomed their second child into the world today - Evan Andrew was born just before 10am and weighs a whopping six pounds, fifteen ounces. He is a giant compared to his big sister at birth. Charlotte's good buddy Avery was born at 28 weeks and weighed only two pounds six ounces. She had a scary first few weeks in the NICU, but is now a thriving, beautiful, and super intelligent two year old. Now she can add big sister to her resume. She has already met her little bro and fell instantly in love. Evan is lucky to have such a great big sis.
Amy did an incredible job enduring weeks of bed rest, and now she has a beautiful baby boy as her reward. Jim said he has reddish brown hair and is doing very well his first day on the outside. The whole family gets to go home on Tuesday. We are so happy for them and can't wait to meet big boy Evan! Congratulations Amy, Jim and Avery!! Charlotte is looking forward to giving Evan a wet and slimy kiss!!
Amy did an incredible job enduring weeks of bed rest, and now she has a beautiful baby boy as her reward. Jim said he has reddish brown hair and is doing very well his first day on the outside. The whole family gets to go home on Tuesday. We are so happy for them and can't wait to meet big boy Evan! Congratulations Amy, Jim and Avery!! Charlotte is looking forward to giving Evan a wet and slimy kiss!!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Tooth Watch: 2006

At eight and a half months old, Charlotte is still a toothless wonder. Most of her baby friends around the same age have two or three teeth by now. Is this going to be like her refusal to come into the world when she was supposed to in early July? Is she determined not to fold into peer pressure and get teeth just because her friends have them and because the "What To Expect the First Year" book says she should have chompers by now?
Apparently Charlotte follows her own schedule, not one set by an evil book that makes you feel your child is weird if she doesn't follow the "What Your Baby Should Be Doing at 'x' Age" Column. Actually, Charlotte has been ahead for most milestones for her age (which I attribute to the fact that she is actually two weeks older than her actual birthdate says - she was two weeks late, for cryin' out loud!) For some reason, though, this tooth thing is an obsession with me. Every morning, I pry open her mouth (much to her dismay - she thinks I am going to throw a puff in there!) just to find pink and smooth (but still cute) toothless gums. We'll keep you updated on Tooth Watch: 2006. I know the moms reading this are thinking I'm crazy for wanting teeth - I'm sure teething is not fun for mom or baby, but I never said I was sane.
By the way - trying to get a photo of a baby's gums isn't easy. This took about 15 tries. Then I decided to add a picture of Charlotte being cute in her exersaucer. She definitely is off the charts in the "How Cute your Baby Should Be" column in the baby book!

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