Friday, November 07, 2008

Rock Obama!!

On Tuesday, November 4th, Mommy let me go with her to the voting booth to cast her ballot for Barack Obama (or as I like to call him, "Rock" Obama!) We were both so excited when he won (Daddy is another story...!) We were just as excited for Auntie Tara, since she worked so hard in southern Virginia to help get him elected. Virginia looks good in blue :)

I haven't been able to see Auntie Tara in MONTHS, but I understand that she had a very important job to do. We are so proud of what she has accomplished!!

Auntie Tara's mom wanted to put together a care package to get her through the LOOONG election day, so I got to work on my Obama art. I wanted to do my part to help Auntie Tara get through the day.

When we went to Mama and Papa Gibson's house to deliver our care package items, I of course had to stop and visit my favorite kitty - 21 year old Patches. She gets my vote as the cutest kitty in the world!!

I can't wait to see you, Auntie Tara!! Tell Rock Obama it's MY turn to have you now!!

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