I, Charlotteberry Shortcake, would like to wish you all a berry cool Halloween!!
I would also like to share with you some photos from Halloween Past. I've had some pretty fun costumes, except for my first one when Mommy used some crazy creative juices to stick a pumpkin hat on my head and call it a costume...I hope my little brother or sister gets a better first Halloween outfit!!
Speaking of my little brother or sister, we'll find out which one I get on Monday morning. If you haven't visited our online baby pool - do it soon! We'll be revealing the big news next week :)

Halloween 2007
Not even the real Dee Dee Doodle herself looks this real. I scared myself with the authenticity!!
I really loved being a ladybug, but the hood was a bit much...
Halloween 2005
Seriously, Mommy and Daddy - this was the best you could do?!?
I wonder what I'll be next year...?!
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