Happy Easter, everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Mommy, Daddy and I were able to visit with a lot of our family for Easter. We ate lots of good food, I searched for some eggs and the Easter Bunny brought me LOTS of fun gifts.
When I woke up on Easter morning, I was terrified to hear that the Easter Bunny had been in my house. Mommy took me to the mall recently to visit him, and I told Mommy in no uncertain terms that I was scared of him and that I didn't like him. I didn't want to sit on his lap, I didn't want to talk to him, and I wouldn't even look at him. As we shopped in the mall, I became upset when we even approached his garden area.
As I turned the corner into the living room on Easter morning, though, I decided that maybe the Easter Bunny wasn't so bad after all.
Mommy explained to me that there is a different Easter Bunny for every state. The Maine Easter Bunny left this wonderful basket at our house, too. Not one, but TWO different state bunnies had left me gifts. There were two baskets at our house, one huge basket at Nana and JoePa's house and a basket at Grandma's house. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all...
One of my favorite gifts that the Easter Bunny left for me was the Gabriela Snap n Style doll. Now my Snap n Style Elena has a friend!
How did the Pennsylvania Easter Bunny know how much I love Strawberry Shortcake DVD's? He must really be a nice bunny.
I felt terribly that I had said such awful things about the Easter Bunny. I decided to use this blog entry as a plea to the Easter Bunny to forgive me and to let him know that I really do love him and want him to keep hopping back to visit me every year.
Dear Easter Bunny,
As a way to make up for the awful things I said about you at the mall, I'd like to offer you my Dora egg. There is a fun Dora and Swiper doll inside. You can be the envy of all the other states' Easter Bunnies with this great toy!
If Dora isn't your style, how about some chocolate Easter eggs? You can't tell me that you aren't tempted to 'test' some of the eggs that you leave for all the kids on Easter morning!! No need to 'test' them any longer - you can have mine!!
I promise to never eat Peeps bunnies ever again. Only the Peeps chicks for me from now on!!!
I'll even set aside some of the eggs that Mommy, Daddy and I dyed and decorated just for you!!
And look - I'm wearing my bunny ears in homage to you!!
Who else would get out the hair dryer to melt a special decoration on the egg for you? Only your biggest fan!!
I'll dye the eggs all of your favorite colors.
I'll leave out all of the ones I dyed the night before Easter, that way you can choose whichever ones you want!!! Will that help you forgive me??!!
I'll even be sweet to my cousin, Drew. I promise not to steal any of his toys if you promise to forgive me!
I will no longer put him in a headlock when he gets too close.
I won't turn away from his kisses like I did most of the evening on Easter.
Last, but not least, Easter Bunny, I will perform my special dances for you and entertain you whenever you wish.
I feel so badly that I said that you scared me. I realize now that you are a very nice and generous Bunny, and I promise to be good to you next year!!
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