My cousin Drew turned two earlier this month, and today we celebrated with a birthday brunch at Nana and JoePa's house. We ate a lot of yummy food - blueberry pancakes, stuffed french toast, frittata, monkey bread...
It was all delicious, but I was patiently waiting all morning for the birthday cake. I kept asking for 'cake, cake," and the silly grown-ups kept giving me pancakes because they thought that was what I was asking for - come on, people! Cake is cake!!!
My patience was finally rewarded with a big slice of scrumptious marble cake with LOTS of sugary blue icing.
Drew is ga-ga for Thomas the Train (similar to my ga-ganess for the Doodlebops). There was definitely a Thomas theme to the party thanks to Nana. Drewbie had fun showing off his Thomas balloon to Daddy. I think Daddy really liked playing with something that wasn't pink for once...
Even though it was Drew's party, I received some nice presents, too (did everyone know that today is my half birthday?!?!) Grammy Kay and Pop bought me a really cute baby doll. A girl can NEVER have enough baby dolls.
I also received a very pretty parasol, but Mommy and Daddy had to take it away and put it in a time-out because both Drew and I wanted to play with it at the same time. I'm still not the best when it comes to sharing my pretty things...
Hey, Drew - that drum set looks like Moe Doodle's drum set! If you play drums, I'll play my keytar and sing, and we can start our own family band! Watch out, Hanson! MMMBop...
I picked out the PERFECT present for Drew. It's a Thomas the Tank Engine play tent. We knew that Drew would love it - Aunt Amy and Uncle Darin, maybe not so much. It's over five feet tall!! I can't wait to come over to play in it with you, Drew!
Welcome to two, buddy! It's a great place to be!
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