Isn't school the best?!?
Mommy and I both go to school. She teaches the big kids, and I play with the little kids. We both love our schools.
I was SO excited when Nana bought me a cool chalkboard easel for Christmas. Now I can pretend to be just like Mommy and write on a chalkboard so that I can teach my 'class.'
My class didn't seem too enthusiastic at first, but I quickly won them over with my super-energetic and fun teaching style.
And in case you were wondering, of course I teach at an all-girls school.
I very carefully demonstrated different shapes for my students. Today's lesson focused on large, uneven squiggly shapes.
Don't forget, class, you must raise your hand if you have a question. There will be no shouting out or interrupting in Miss Charlotte's class.
Before stepping foot into my classroom, I spend countless hours on lesson planning. I take suggestions from the text book and put them together with my own creative and industry-leading ideas to write the best lesson plans teaching has ever seen.
"Dangerous Minds" and "Stand and Deliver?" Sure, those teachers were good, but there should be a movie made about my inventive and outstanding teaching style.
Did those teachers look as cute as I do when they taught?
Did they use a textbook with a lanuage they couldn't even read?
Did they teach so enthusiastically that they were covered in chalk by the end of the lesson?
Did they have a classroom full of pink, girly, absolutely fabulous dolls? I think not.