Sunday, September 30, 2007
Ill Over Illinois
Maybe Blogger knew that the only photos Mommy got of me from Saturday would be of a sad faced, confused Nittany Lion Cub wondering what was happening to her beloved Nittany Lions.
The Shout-Outs will have to wait until Blogger decides to work again. Sorry for the delay! Stay tuned...
Saturday, September 22, 2007
So much for our great feeling.
Michigan beat us again. Seriously.
The last time Penn State beat Michigan, Mommy still wasn't of legal drinking age. That was a long, long time ago.
Why can't we beat Michigan? They lost to Appalachian State. Appalachian State. Seriously.
I was having the time of my life in the moon bounce at Ally's birthday party when Mommy broke the news to me that we lost. Again. I was so disturbed that I stopped jumping and had to sit and wonder how JoePa could let this happen again.
Later that evening, as I got into my jammies before leaving Ally's house, I became so upset that I buried my face in shame in Bailey's tail.
Michigan is just like the ear infection I picked up the other day - they both hurt, they both make me want to cry, and they both give me nightmares.
At least the antibiotics will defeat my ear infection. I can't say the same for Penn State defeating Michigan.
Mommy and I are so distaught that we can't bring ourselves to do shout-outs this week. There really aren't any shout-outs to give. And Mommy is just too exhausted to go back and look up stats and photos for the last two games we missed. We apologize to the shout-out fans, but you'll have to wait until next week before we start those up again.
I may sound like I'm really depressed. I would be completely down in the dumps today if it weren't for the fact that I went to the greatest birthday party ever!
My good friend Ally turns 5 soon, and to celebrate, her Mommy and Daddy threw a huge celebration. Here is the birthday girl blowing out the candles.
It had to have been an incredible party to take my mind off of the fact that we were spanked by Michigan. Again. Seriously.
While my beloved Nittany Lions were being embarrassed in the Big House, I was having an incredible time in a different kind of big house.
Presenting...the most fun toy ever. Ever.
Ally's parents rented a princess moon bounce for the party. I can say with certainty that Ally, her friends and I were enjoying ourselves a lot more in this house than the Penn State football players and fans in the Big House.
I could barely contain my excitement before I entered the moon bounce for the first time. I almost missed finding the entrance because I was so excited. Daddy had to point out the opening to me!
Upon entering, I immediately knew what to do. I jumped and jumped like I was a kangaroo on a sugar high.

I felt as though I were floating on air. I couldn't stop. It was like there were springs on my feet. I jumped and jumped and jumped...
...and then I fell.
I was a bit stunned. I didn't expect to fall. I thought I was invincible.
Then I realized that when a Penn State player falls, he gets back up immediately. Even when he's pushed over by a stinky Wolverine, he gets back up. So get back up is what I did.

Then I jumped and jumped some more.
The next time that I fell I wasn't so stunned. I managed to wave at Daddy while I was lying on my back. Maybe falling on the moon bounce isn't so bad after all!
Daddy even came into the moon bounce to jump with me. I was so happy that Daddy came in to play with me, but he does need to work on his jumping height. He didn't catch quite enough air between his feet and the moon bounce.

Daddy even took the opportunity in the moon bounce to show me how the Penn State defense should have tackled Mike Hart every play.
I worked up an appetite in the moon bounce. These luscious cupcakes ought to give me the energy boost I need to go back and bounce for a few more hours.
I tried sticking out my tongue to boo the Michigan football team, but Mommy told me that wasn't nice. I disguised my second attempt at sticking my tongue out at the Wolverines by pretending to clean off the icing on my face. Mommy never suspected that I was showing my disgust with the maize and blue.
The moon bounce was SO MUCH FUN, the food and cupcakes were yummy and the necklaces you gave me to take home are beautiful. Seriously!! I'm glad that you had a fun day, too. Happy Birthday!!!
Go State!! Beat the Wolverines!!!
Mommy and I have a great feeling about today's game. It's our time to beat Michigan!! Enjoy this video that Mommy found to get you pumped up for the game.
We're off to Ally's birthday party, and then we'll be watching our Nittany Lions beat Michigan after a few hours of cake and moonbouncing. We'll report back tomorrow!!
We Are...!!!!
P.S. - Thanks for the get-well message, Drew. I plan on taking advantage of some of your tips. My ear is feeling much better thanks to the YUMMY bubble-gum medicine the doctor gave me!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Have you missed me?!?
Sorry we haven't posted in a few weeks - Mommy says we've been busier than a one-armed paper hanger!
Don't get too excited - this is going to be a quick post. I know that I've neglected my Penn State Shout Outs - I'll do a triple-game shout out this weekend. We are still celebrating the win over Notre Dame from two weeks ago, so Mommy needs time to gather stats and photos from the past few weeks.
Speaking of photos, there aren't many new ones of me, so this picture from the first PSU game will have to do for now. I know that Mommy is very busy now that school has started, but she really needs to start taking more photos of me again. I'm too cute not to be photographed!!
The one photo that Mommy did take of me recently was when I came home from school with this intricate and beautiful hair style. My teachers Vicky and Janelle are so excited to have a girl in the class (along with 8 boys!!) that they love to play with my gorgeous, silky locks. Mommy doesn't understand how I sit still for them to play with my hair, but she doesn't know that they let me sit in their lap on my favorite rocking chair while they play with it!
School is going VERY well for me. I love going on walks to the duck pond to feed the ducks, I really enjoy our art projects, I behave very well and I nap everyday. I always get good reports at the end of each day.
The biggest news - I pooped on the potty at school last week!! Mommy and Daddy were so proud of me!!!
Stay tuned for the shout-out post this weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to add some great shout-outs for a big defeat of Michigan!!!!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Are You Ready For Some Football?!
When I woke up on Saturday, I was SO excited to hear that I would be wearing my Penn State cheerleading outfit. That only meant one thing - Penn State Football was back!!! I did my happy dance all morning to mark the occasion!!
As happy as I was, Mommy crushed my enthusiasm when she told me that I couldn't watch the game. She said our evil cable company wouldn't carry the Big Ten Network, so the game wouldn't be on TV. She and Daddy drove out to Delaware to watch the game in a bar with Sean and Jessi. Mommy said I'm not old enough to go to a bar. I was terribly upset until I heard that Gramma was coming over to spend the day with me. As long as I got to wear my uniform, I was still happy!
Even though I didn't see the game, Mommy filled me in well enough when she returned so that I could begin my annual "Charlotte's Shout Outs." I know you all missed them.
I am proud to present the first edition of "Charlotte's Shout Outs" for the 2007 season. I have a good feeling about this season!!!!

Florida International vs Penn State
1. JoePa - This was your first game coaching on the sideline since you broke your leg last year. 80 years young and still going strong!! You'll still be the coach when I'm a student at Penn State!
2. Anthony Morelli - You were quite inconsistent last year, but everyone has high expectations for you this year. You started off well by breaking the PSU first half passing record with 231 yards. Keep up the great work!!
3. Galen Hall - You are the offensive coordinator PSU has needed. Seven different players caught a TD pass or ran one in for a score. Now that is some great play-calling!4. Jared Odrick - You tipped FIU's field goal attempt and preserved the shut out. Yay!

Non PSU Shout-Out
Appalachian State - You did what Penn State hasn't been able to do in 12 years. You beat Michigan!! In the Big House, no less. We are very proud of you, but we'd like you to teach our Nittany Lions how you did it!!
Just in case you weren't already pumped up for Penn State football, here's a video to get you in the mood!!
Blog Note: This is Mommy's and my first official week of school. Mommy's students start coming on Wednesday AND she is preparing for the big RV trip to Penn State this weekend, so it will be a very busy week. It might be awhile before my blog is updated again, but there will be a "Charlotte's Shout Outs" for the Notre Dame game. It just might not be timely. Keep checking back, though! We'll return soon!!!