We're back after another long absence. We'd like to take a minute to blame Facebook for the long stretches of time without posts. It's just too easy to upload photos and share them with our Facebook friends. No worrying about spacing, uploading photos one at a time and hoping they are in the right order, trying to come up with clever text...Mark Zuckerberg just made it easier to share photos :) I realized that when Claire looks back on this blog when she is older, she is probably going to become justifiably angry that there is not nearly as much "blogumentation" of her early years as there was for Charlotte. In an effort to avoid even more sibling rivalry issues than we are certain to encounter in the future, I decided to suck it up and start blogging again. Don't worry, Facebook. I won't abandon you. The addiction runs too deep... :)
So, what have we been up to? After a long winter, we are welcoming spring with open arms. Unfortunately those arms are still usually covered with long sleeves, but we are hoping for warmer weather soon. Charlotte's kindergarten class is in full spring mode - they have welcomed a new class pet. Nibbles has only been in the class for two weeks, but Charlotte has spoken enough about him that you would think she's been around all year. Charlotte likes to talk. About everything. Currently, most of her nonstop chatter is about Nibbles.
Nibbles likes to eat little green pellets. Nibbles poops a lot. Nibbles gets scared easily. Nibbles is soft. I love Nibbles. I wish we could keep Nibbles. Do you think Trixie and Emmet would like Nibbles? I wanted to name her Rosie, but the class voted to name her Nibbles. Nibbles' poop is little. Nibbles' doesn't poop jelly beans like E.B. does in "Hop." Nibbles is SOOO cute!!!! Nibbles, Nibbles, Nibbles...
Charlotte's class also had several eggs that hatched into chicks last week. Mrs. Ditzler invited us to come in and see the chicks (and Nibbles, of course). Claire loved visiting the room and stared at the chicks for a good five minutes.

Charlotte very proudly showed Claire around the classroom and took her to see Nibbles. She made sure to go over all the rules with Claire. Charlotte is a rule-teller. She loves to tell you the rules. Maybe someday she'll follow all the rules herself :)
Claire, this is Nibbles. Claire, be gentle. Claire, don't scare Nibbles. Claire, Nibbles is a broken rabbit. Claire, Nibbles is a girl. Claire, be gentle. Gentle, Claire. Gentle!!

Spring has brought lots of new excitement to Charlotte's kindergarten class. Now that the weather is getting warmer, Charlotte's social schedule is getting even busier. Tomorrow she is having a lunch playdate with her BFF, Anna. It will be a quiet lunch tomorrow for Claire and me. Well, quieter than usual anyway...Miss Claire is doing her best to win the title of Chattiest Aston lately :)
Alright, Facebook. You might be a huge time suck and an obssession, but Blogger is going to do her best to avoid a complete take-over...Only time will tell!