She started school this morning, and she seemed so very small.
As I walked there beside her in the Kindergarten hallAnd as she took her place beside the others in the class,
I realized how all too soon those first few years can pass.
Remembering, I saw her as she first learned how to walk.
The words that we alone made out when she began to talk.
This little girl so much absorbed in learning how to write.
It seems as though she must have grown to girlhood overnight.
My eyes were blurred but hastily, I brushed the tears away
Lest by some word or sign of mine I mar her first big day.
Oh how I longed to stay with her and keep her by the hand
To lead her through the places that she couldn’t understand.
And something closely kin to fear was mingled with my pride.
I knew she would no longer be a baby by my side.
But she must have her chance to live, to work her problems out,
The privilege to grow and learn what life is all about.
And I must share my little girl with friends and work and play;
She’s not a baby anymore –
She’s in Kindergarten today.--author unknown

Today us the day I've been waiting for - MY FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN!! After a yummy breakfast of homemade waffles with whipped cream and strawberries, Mommy, Daddy and Claire walked me across the street to my new school.

I gave Mommy a big hug...

...and I gave Daddy and Claire a big hug, and I was ready to go! Mommy walked me into my classroom, I blew her a kiss and away I went!

Before I left the house, I told Mommy that Claire would play with my blankie and Ninny if she missed me. I never let ANYONE play with them, but I knew that Claire might be upset that I was leaving.

Mommy said that Claire looked for me a lot while I was at school, so Mommy showed her that I was right across the street :)

When it was time to leave, Mommy and Claire waited outside to pick me up - they had to hold up a sign with my name so the teacher knew who I belonged to :) Mommy had to wake Claire early to get me, so she was not too excited about holding up the sign!

We have to line up outside before we are released to our mommies and daddies.

I had so much fun on my first day!! It's too bad that Claire wasn't as excited...

To celebrate my first day, Drew, Reed and Aunt Amy came to our house for lunch. When lunch was finished, we went to the Oregon Dairy for ice cream!!

Drew will be starting kindergarten next year - I hope he has as much fun as I am!

Claire finally snapped out of her fog in time to enjoy some ice cream - big surprise!

After ice cream, Drew and I spent some time in the playground. It was such a fun morning. I can't wait to go back tomorrow!!
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