Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Sending pugs and kisses for Valentine's Day!

We went a little nuts for Valentine's Day this year. It started with a little baking...

...a little Valentine making...

...and continued with fun valentine messages on our bedroom doors when we woke up.

For breakfast, we had our annual VDay heart pancakes, strawberries and pink milk.

An hour after Charlotte left for school, I woke up to fun valentine messages on my bedroom door, too!

I thought breakfast was pretty yummy!

Mommy went a little crazy with lunch, too. The heart shaped hummus was a bit of a stretch...

After lunch, it was time to head to Charlotte's first grade class for a VDay ice cream social. I insisted on wearing my finest princess dress for the occasion. The first graders were still in phys ed when I showed up, so I took a few minutes to practice my model poses.

Everyone had a great time eating ice cream and opening their valentines. I love hanging out with the big kids.

After school and dance class were over, it was time to make a heart shaped pizza for dinner - Mommy wanted to go 3 for 3 on heart shaped meals for the day :)

We were quite proud of the results!

We ended the night with delicious (not heart shaped!) cupcakes. We hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day!!

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