Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Pink Ladies
Mommy finally decided that Claire was too big for the infant carrier in the car (not to mention Mommy was tired of carrying around 20lbs of Claire Bear in it and not getting the Michelle Obama arms she'd been hoping for!) It was time to pass my convertible seat onto Claire and to go shopping for a new seat for me!!
I'm smiling in this photo because I convinced Daddy that a pink seat would be MUCH safer for me ;) He was reluctant about having something pink in his car, but he gave up the pink battle recently when Mommy told him she did a super size laundry load of ONLY pink clothes! Poor Daddy. If anyone has a little boy they'd like to loan him for awhile, I bet he'd appreciate it!
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Our Holidays - By the Numbers

Sisters VERY excited for the holidays: 2
Inches of snow that fell the week before Christmas: 10
Minutes it took Daddy to shovel a path for the pugs: 3
Snow angels designed by me: 4
Reindeer cookies baked and decorated on our snow day: 32
Cousins who were very wound-up after Christmas Eve Mass waiting to open gifts at Nana and JoePa's house: 2
Babies who weren't at all afraid of the freaky talking and moving Santa: 1
Princesses that Daddy seemed really excited about: 7
Retro toys that Claire didn't seem impressed by: 2 (and these are vintage!)
Time we returned home from Nana and JoePa's on Christmas Eve to get Santa's snack ready: 11:00pm
Coffeez delivered by Santa Gibson on Christmas morning: 2
Princess Tiana gifts that I received: ~15
Boxes that Claire preferred over the actual gifts: 17
Boyfriends that Claire made at the Gibson Christmas Party: 1
Chocolate martinis that Uncle Mar and I concocted for Mommy and Aunt Jill: 2
Ounces of home-brewed beer that Uncle Mar and I pumped: a lot
Snuggies that Mommy and I wanted to steal from Aunt Jill and Uncle Mar: 2
Baths Claire received during our two day visit to MA: 23
Girls excited about spending New Year's Eve together: 4
Barnaks that Claire wrapped around her little finger: 2
Exhausted pugs after spending five days at Nana and JoePa's house: 2
Kids who were sad about the holidays being over: 2