Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Claire's Canine Walking Services

Now that I am two, I have been awarded the privilege of walking one of our pugs. We took our inaugural walk this morning, and Trixie and I did great!!

Since we had such a lovely stroll, I thought maybe I could start my own dog walking service. I think it would be an easy way to make some extra hat money!

If you hire me to walk your dog, I'd give her special attention. I wouldn't let her walk too far ahead of me.

I would even let your dog pick the route!

I would always let her stop for a quick shake.

My only requirement is that your dog be at least ten years old and not walk too quickly. Oh, and your dog can't run after every squirrel, rabbit or horse that she sees. Your dog can't weigh more than 18 pounds. I'd also prefer it if your dog did her business before we went on the walk - I don't like stopping to clean up. Other than that, I'd welcome any dog on my strolls!!

I promise I will be very gentle with your dog... :)

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