Sisters VERY excited for the holidays: 2
Inches of snow that fell the week before Christmas: 10
Minutes it took Daddy to shovel a path for the pugs: 3
Snow angels designed by me: 4
Reindeer cookies baked and decorated on our snow day: 32
Cousins who were very wound-up after Christmas Eve Mass waiting to open gifts at Nana and JoePa's house: 2
Babies who weren't at all afraid of the freaky talking and moving Santa: 1
Princesses that Daddy seemed really excited about: 7
Retro toys that Claire didn't seem impressed by: 2 (and these are vintage!)
Time we returned home from Nana and JoePa's on Christmas Eve to get Santa's snack ready: 11:00pm
Coffeez delivered by Santa Gibson on Christmas morning: 2
Princess Tiana gifts that I received: ~15
Boxes that Claire preferred over the actual gifts: 17
Boyfriends that Claire made at the Gibson Christmas Party: 1
Chocolate martinis that Uncle Mar and I concocted for Mommy and Aunt Jill: 2
Ounces of home-brewed beer that Uncle Mar and I pumped: a lot
Snuggies that Mommy and I wanted to steal from Aunt Jill and Uncle Mar: 2
Baths Claire received during our two day visit to MA: 23
Girls excited about spending New Year's Eve together: 4
Barnaks that Claire wrapped around her little finger: 2
Exhausted pugs after spending five days at Nana and JoePa's house: 2
Kids who were sad about the holidays being over: 2
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