...I learned in preschool!
I am proud to announce that I am now officially a school girl :) Last Monday I started class at a great preschool. My new classroom is in the same building as my former daycare, so I still get to see my old friends and teachers - how lucky am I?!?
What I learned at preschool:
1. Stick with your fashion instincts. Even when Mommy wants to take a photo of you wearing your backpack on the first day of school, ignore her pleas if the backpack does not match your outfit!
2. Obey your Mommy. When you arrive and your new teacher shows you where the dollhouse is, humor your Mommy and smile for a photo (even though you really want her to leave so that you can play in your new classroom.)
3. Be thankful. If there are two other girls in your new class, and you're used to being the only girl, give thanks. (I loved my boys in daycare, but was SO happy to play with my new girlfriends Nora and Evie!)
4. Be patient and wait for your turn to speak. It will be difficult to hold in all of the exciting things about school that you WANT to tell your mommy when she picks you up, but it will be a few minutes before she is finished speaking with your teacher about your first day. When she is finished, though, try to speak slowly even though you are bursting with excitement.
5. Demostrate your new knowledge.
We learned about shapes in class on the first day, so what better way to apply new learning in a real life situation than by going to "Old McDonald's" for lunch! My cheeseburger was a circle shape, my drink box was a rectangle...
6. Play nicely with others. I dropped my "boys have cooties" act and played very well with Drewbie at Old McDonald's.
7. Always be gentle.
I guess my mind was wandering during that lesson!
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