Move over, Doogie Howser, M.D. I now hold the title for youngest physician EVER. At only two and a half years old, I have already earned TWO medical degrees and am owner of a thriving private practice in Pennsylvania.
I became inspired to be a doctor when my cool Aunt Janelle (that's DOCTOR Evans to you!!) gave me these sweet scrubs with "Dr Charlotte" embroidered on them. While a very cool fashion statement, I felt as though I had to live up to my new outfit. Off to medical school I went...
I was top of my class at John Hopkids University School of Medicine and went on to become chief resident at Seattle Grace Hospital - yes, Dr. McDreamy is really that McDreamy in real life. He wasn't quite as McSmart in neurosurgery until he met me, though!!
Here is one of my regular patients, Big Head Barbie. She is a bit of a hypochondriac, so I see her in my office a lot.
Once again, Barbie, I'm not hearing any brain activity...
I became inspired to be a doctor when my cool Aunt Janelle (that's DOCTOR Evans to you!!) gave me these sweet scrubs with "Dr Charlotte" embroidered on them. While a very cool fashion statement, I felt as though I had to live up to my new outfit. Off to medical school I went...
I was top of my class at John Hopkids University School of Medicine and went on to become chief resident at Seattle Grace Hospital - yes, Dr. McDreamy is really that McDreamy in real life. He wasn't quite as McSmart in neurosurgery until he met me, though!!
Once again, Barbie, I'm not hearing any brain activity...
My second degree is in ophthalmology.
Can't see? Come see me!!
My medical / veterinary practice treats humans in the morning and animals in the afternoon. This is one of my regulars, Emmet Otter.
If you're feeling ill, need a blow out, can't see with clarity, or have a pet in need of medical attention, give me a call!
Dr. Charlotte McCutie, MD, DO, DVM
heehee...love it. Gotta start young with this medicine business! Aunt Janelle misses you guys and hopes to see you soon ;)
Charlotte is too freaking CUTE!!! Love the outfit and all the action photos.
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