The local nursery had a mission for me. Many Easter eggs had been lost on their property. They needed someone to find the eggs - quickly.
The nursery sounded desperate. I grabbed the nearest cute basket and answered the call for help. Even though it was a cold morning, I knew they needed the best Private Inveggstigator in town. I couldn't let them down.
My intuition told me to start near the small trees. I just knew some of the eggs would be there.
I placed egg after egg in my basket. I could see why these eggs had been so elusive - they were hidden extremely well. It became obvious to me that they did not want to be found.
In my years of P.I. work, I've learned to be patient and think like the lost item. If I were an egg, where would I hide?
To those without my level of expertise, this might seem like an ordinary cinder block.
After ten excruciatingly difficult minutes of searching, my cute basket was full.
Mission complete.
The nursery was so satisfied with my P.I. work that they allowed me to keep some of the eggs. I shared some of the booty with Emmet.
Even though I was the one who endured the long search, I shared some more of the treasure with Daddy. I must be the most generous P.I. in the world.
While I may be a superior P.I., I was a novice at egg peeling. Daddy was nice enough to teach me how to peel the outer layer, revealing the scrumptious inner egg.
Everyone was so happy that I uncovered the mystery of the lost eggs that a kiss fest ensued.
Daddys kissed their daughters...
Pugs kissed their pug buddies...
Sooo... Nature Killer went to the nursery? I'm so confused. Did pigs fly today as well??
Why do I hear the "Darth Vader" theme in my head?
Charlotte seems to be a girl of many professions.
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